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Pubblicazioni riguardanti news e progetti.

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2016-06-12_eco bergamo

gdm risulta autore delle seguenti pubblicazioni.

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CENTRI COMMERCIALI. Relazioni, scenari e dismissione

di Giorgio Davide Manzoni, 2010

Quale sarà il futuro dei Centri Commerciali?

In questa ricerca sono stati approfondite le principali relazioni che i manufatti comemrciali hanno con il territorio, i possibili scenari di sviluppo o depotenziamento e la loro prevedibile e futura dismissione. Si sono individuate alcune STRATEGIE PROGETTUALI e PROGRAMMATICHE per il loro riutilizzo sostenibile sia ambientalmente che economicamente.


gdm è membro del gruppo di ricerca.

Come gli edifici rurali possono diventare catalizzatori e quale ruolo ha l'architettura?

Visita il sito RURAL ARCHITECTURE INTENSIFICATION. A new concept for architecture, agricolture and landscape per tutte le informazioni inerenti lo studio delle potenzilità dell'architettura rurale nei centri minori.


gdm è membro del laboratorio applicato.

Quali sono le sfide che attendono lo sviluppo urbano in EUROPA ed in CINA?

Ricerche, incontri, eventi e pubblicazioni del gruppo CHINA LAB cercano di rispondere ad alcune delle domande in campo architettonico ed urbano. 

esposizioni, mostre e biennali

12.2015, Participant to the project Open Your Space. Design Interventions in Siping Community, Shanghai
Collateral event of the 2015 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism / Architecture of Shenzhen. Dec. 19 /March 5, 2016.

11.2014, Participant of the project Open your kitchen at 10th Shanghai Biennale City Pavilion
Urban living room, Jing An Kerry Centre for contemporary art, Shanghai, China. Nov. 23/March 31, 2015.

12.2013/02.2014, Invited Participant, Bi-City, 5th Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture,
Shenzhen& Hong Kong, China, “R.A.I. “Rural Architecture Intensification”, Pavilion set-up project and Research

12.2013, Participant, Italian Association of Landscape Architects, MACRO Museum, Rome
“Landscape project as driving force for economy development”, Poster

06.2013, Member of design group, of the exhibition The oppression day promoted by
National Association of Construction Companies of Milan (Ance Milano, Lodi e Brianza) Milan, July 8

09.2012, Member of design group, La Triennale di Milano, Italy
“From research to design. Selected architects from Tongji University in Shanghai”, Exhibition Project


conferenze e talk

2016, Guest Lecturer, Architectural Techniques for design process, Architectural Design Research Seminar Series. University of Pavia, 20.05.2016

2015, Invited Speaker, Rural Architectural Urbanism. La resilienza nel sistema città-campagna, Segrate city lab, Darsena Milano, 13.10.2015

2014, Invited Speaker, Nuove strategie di Business e di rilancio dei centri commerciali non performing in Italia ed in Europa, Rimini, 20.06.2014

2013, Guest Lecturer, Riusi industriali, Architettura e Composizione Uno, University of Pavia, 12.05.2013

2012, Invited Speaker, Paesagire Urban. Città e università, conferenza AGATN, Trento, 19.12.2012

2010, Guest Lecturer, Shopping Centers: sceneries, relationships, dismission, University of Pavia, 26.11.2010

Schermata 2015-10-13 alle 15.49.27

workshop e seminari di architettura

09.2015, Scientific Commitee & Tutor, International Summer School

“Flexible City for Smart Communities”, with University of Pavia (I), Tongji University (CN), Massachussets Institute of
Technology (USA), University of Seville (S), University of Kazan (RUS) and Polytechnic of Milan.

07.2015, Scientific Commitee, International Summer School
“Architecture and Landscape Design Workshop in italy”, with University of Pavia (I) and Kunming University of
Science and Technology (CN)

09.2014, School Coordinator & Senior Tutor, International Summer School
“Smart Community and Sustainable Development”, with University of Pavia (I), Technical University of Lódz (PL),
Plymouth University (UK) and University of Padova (I)

03.2013, Senior Tutor, International Winter School
“Shanghai Waterfront Renovation - 16 Pier Ferry Terminal & Affiliated District”, funded by Fond.Cariplo, with
University of Pavia (I), Tongji University (CN), University of Kazan (RUS), Polytechnic of Milan (I) and University of
Brescia (I)

07.2011, Tutor, International Summer School
“Urban Renewal and Sustainable Development”, funded by European Comm. Education “Lifelong Learning
Programme”, with University of Pavia (I), Tongji University (CN), University of Rome–La Sapienza (I), Universitade
Federal de Bahia (BR) and University of Cagliari (I)

05.2011, Tutor, Workshop, “Vestire gli edifici, vestire gli spazi” organizzato by Collegio Nuovo, Pavia

07.2010, PhD Student, III International PhD Summer School, Polytechnic of Milan
“Design, strategies and research for the contemporary city/Urban textures & architectural connections”, 1st Prize

09.2004, Student, X International Design Seminar, IUSS Institute for Advanced Studies, with Tongji
University of Shanghai (CN), American University of Dubai (UAE), University of Athens (GR), National Techical
Politechnika Lodzka (PL), University of Catania (I), Universite 7 Novembre de Carthage(TN). “Urban Culture and
Landscape Renewal”, Zakinthos, Greece

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